Pt YJPhD 1955 P 1047 : Informing the Secretary of Mauritius Bar Association , as reference letter [A] When I look at the Political Scene I remember the verse Matthew 27:38 ESV English Standard Version 38 Then two robbers were crucified with him, one on the right and one on the left. In some constituencies I have the impression there are 6 candidates of same party, the profiles of the candidates are same. History will remember that even in these times of NCE/SC/HSC exams and Election Periods , despite knowing I am apolitical , Politics and their people have persisted to continue to search fight, annoy, harm me, an Educator, Civil Servant. They should had forgotten me and focus on their Politics but they continue to search fight with me.. WHOEVER IS IN POWER DOES NOT MAKE ANY DIFFERENCE FOR ME.. [A] Some Lawyers of Dangerous Drug suspects NOW are INVENTING supposedly ' I am leaving Mauritius' . My employer has been made aware as well as the Commissioner of Police in namely P 1025 of those FAKE NEWS being spread namely by WILDBOARS and BLACKSHEEPS and I again say, this time as a reference letter, ALL THOSE WHO HAVE EVER BEEN ARRESTED BY THE SST , FOR DRUG OFFENCES SHOULD NOT APPROACH ME, all at times. Everyone has the right of a fair trial in an impartial court, but their LAWYERS also must be careful NOT TO SEARCH FIGHT with me. [B] Reference letters P 1025,P 1045,P 1046. CP, CPU, BPM are made aware of problems [C] Danger Areas QB bus/bazaar/oily cake/shops [D] Sects of Riviere Noire/Cascavelle 29th October 2024